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Provide for in a sentence

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Sentence count:155+5Posted:2017-09-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: provide fundsprovideprovidedproviderprovidentprovidenceimprovidentprovidential
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91. Does incorporation provide for a favorable tax effect?
92. The savior will provide for all who they save.
93. To provide for the DSP beginner, CCS program entry.
94. Furthermore, it can provide for phantasmagoric respective experience.
95. The constitutive institution may provide for these matters.
96. The Hamburg Rules provide for a limit at 12500 gold francs per package of other shipping unit and 37.5 gold francs per kilo of gross weight of the goods, whichever is the higher.
97. Both the petitioner and respondent provide for the upkeep of the children.
98. To amend title 31, United States Code, to provide for the licensing of Internet gambling facilities by the Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, and for other purposes.
99. Neoprene grommet and complete epoxy encapsulation provide for a true non - wicking cable entry.
100. The inner race is keyed to the shaft. The outer race has h7 tolerance and should be fitted in housing with a k7 tolerance. Additional side notches provide for positive torque transmission.
101. A clear outline of what you can provide for your service is important.
102. Court case to order the father of an illegitimate child to provide for the child's maintenance.
103. It's only Leviticus that mentions the poor. For Deuteronomy, it's those who really can't provide for themselves: the widow, the orphan and the stranger who may not be able to find employment.
104. So we needed to create new law to provide for the possibility that someone could put their car into a car sharing program without violating their motor vehicle insurance policy.
105. Purolite A500 will provide for optimum performance in deionization and as an organic trap.
106. We shall provide for a currency clause in our contract to solve the problem of exchange fluctuation.
107. The nano-alumina dispersion solution can then be mixed with an imide coating to provide for a wire coating to give the wire improved abrasion, COF, and corona resistance.
108. He wants to protect you and provide for you in everyway .
109. Accordingly, VE provide for the knowledge imitating between knowledge demander and knowledge possessor the most complete and challenging mechanism which digest and absorb other's knowledge .
110. The contract may provide for the exclusive use of the patent.
111. The component configurator role was later expanded to provide for the discovery and management of the connections between services.
112. The nukes mentioned cannot provide for peaking and load following, that the grid requires for stability.
113. To provide for the incorporation of the Minister and Board of Trustees of The Emmanuel Church.
114. The old Indian Agent would tell us how much grain, wood, fence posts and other goods we could produce and provide for our families.
115. Finally, we will provide for a vision of multiethnic nation - state in Taiwan.
116. Information on prices and conditions of the products, services and equipment provide for the franchisee.
117. Don't be puffed up with pride if you are able to provide for your needs with very little cost.
118. Many standards provide for extensibility as a sort of escape clause, but if you're not careful you can end up saddled with the very semantic transparency problems you seek to avoid.
119. Serious epileptic sex is gawkish the patient becomes affection clumsiness of inflexible, action, life cannot provide for oneself.
120. And how does he expect to provide for my grandchild?
More similar words: provide fundsprovideprovidedproviderprovidentprovidenceimprovidentprovidentialprovided thatimprovidenceprovidentiallyservice providerprovidingproviding thatprovisoprovingprovincedecide forprovincesimproviseapprovingprovincialreprovingprovisionimprovingprovisionsimprovisedprovisionalapprovinglyprovisioning
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